Caribbean danseressen in feestelijke outfit
Sunday 8 September, Holland Casino Utrecht

Zomercarnaval afterparty met Caribbean Six

Will we see you on the dance floor?

Enjoy a night in tropical spheres and celebrate togetherness! The Summer Carnival, sponsored by Holland Casino, made Rotterdam's streets explode with happiness in July with a colourful street parade featuring hundreds of dancers and carnival groups. On Sunday afternoon 29 September, we will do this party again during the Summer Carnival Afterparty from 15:00 to 19:00.

Summer Carnival Afterparty with Caribbean Six
Tropical atmospheres and attractive swing rhythms

Warm sounds
Make sure you are present at 15:00, because this is when the popular music formation Caribbean Six will start performing. The band will treat you to infectious swing rhythms.

Meet & Greet with the King & Queen
Die gewählte Königin und der König des Sommerkarnevals 2024 sind heute der Lichtblick. Mit einem König oder einer Königin tanzen? Dann ist das Ihre Chance! 

Need to cool down?
Sitting still is not an option this night. Need to cool down? You can do so with a refreshing cup of shaved ice or a delicious cocktail at the bar.

Play, dance and enjoy! See you on 8 September at Holland Casino Utrecht.

Mystery Jackpot

Chance to win travel cases

Are you going to get away from it all soon? On our slot machines, you have a chance to win colourful summer suitcases between 15:00 and 19:00.

Caribbean danseressen in feestelijke outfit